
Modding Updates



Below are all the updates that made changes to the maps and may have affected your previously created mods. As the author of such a mod, you may need to refine it to ensure compatibility with the latest version and to eliminate any issues. To assist you, current guidelines on what need to do and what is optional are provided, along with explanations and notes


After the patch number, the Date will be indicated, which will help you compare with the publication date of your mod and understand when your mod became outdated. Additionally, Related M and Previous M are noted, which signify the corresponding manifest numbers for downloading the specific version of the game. Both versions are listed so you can compare before and after the patch changes or test how your mod looked previously

In case you want to test an old patch with the game running:

Instructions for downloading and launching old versions Download
Press Win+R and paste this line
Next, you need to enter download_depot 291550 291551 0000000000000000000, where 0000000000000000000 is the manifest of the specific version of the game Brawlhalla, which you should replace with the required number. You can find the complete list of manifests at this link
The files will be downloaded to the path C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\content\app_291550\depot_291551

The download speed through Steam will be very low. If you plan to download multiple versions of the game, it is recommended to use SteamDepotDownloaderGUI

1. Make a backup of the current version of Brawlhalla and delete the files from the folder steamapps\Common\Brawlhalla
2. Download the depot patch using the manifest number, utilizing the tools or methods described in the Tools section
3. Place the downloaded files into the game folder steamapps\Common\Brawlhalla
4. In Steam, in the game properties under the General section, add -noeac to the launch options
5. Launch the game from Steam


7.07: Bombsketball Art Updated

Date: 26 April, 2023
Related M: 6957481917743870617
Previous M: 1546893155217151659

What was done in the patch:
  • The textures for the Bombsketball game mode have been updated, and the old textures used from Thunderguard Stadium are no longer relevant
PATCH 7.06
PATCH 7.07

What the modder needs to do:
  • If you created a mod for the Thunderguard Stadium map, you will need to migrate it to the new Bombsketball map and adapt it to the two new textures, BombSP1Side.png and BombSP2Side.png, in accordance with your mod's visual style. And don't forget to create a thumbnail named bombsketball_360.jpg for future use when there is more than one map in the game mode

7.04: New Horde Map from Demon Island

Date: 15 February, 2023
Related M: 8447225491192266991
Previous M: 8011325497279181621

What was done in the patch:

  • Added a new, more challenging map Nightmare Horde to the Horde game mode, which reuses the Background from Demon Island and also features its own textures styled after Demon Island, but located in the new folder mapArts\HordeTwo

What the modder doesn't have to do:
  • Supporting additional game modes is the right thing to do. After all, if the game mode is launched with an installed mod, everything will look organic. Otherwise, if you have significantly altered the background and textures of the map, the mod will be incomplete and will appear unpolished. If you still choose not to support game modes, try to specify in the mod description which modes are not supported. And don’t forget to create the thumbnail nightmarehorde.jpg

6.10: Blured Backgrounds Added

Date: 31 August, 2022
Related M: 3560246234509187573
Previous M: 8480794622435546381

What was done in the patch:
  • New options were added that now allow the blurred background to be viewed
PATCH 6.09
PATCH 6.10

Notes: As I predicted back in 2018, and encouraged all modders not to create blurred mods, it has proven to be true. It seems I didn't make mods without a blurred background in vain (I was guided by the principle that anyone can blur a regular background themselves, but it won’t be possible to revert it back to unblurred)

What the modder needs to do:
  • If you have made mods with blur for your unique mod, it is advisable to check if the unblurred version of the background has been saved in your source files, so you can update the mod and give users the option to enable blur through settings

6.08: Animated Backgrounds

Date: 22 June, 2022
Related M: 3406811552927900099
Previous M: 3682335943726614720

What was done in the patch:
  • Added test animations for maps. They are packed as separate sprites in .swf files in the "bones" folder
What the modder shouldn't do:
  • Updating each .swf file with your animations and providing it to users as a mod

Explanation: For everything to work properly, you need to write a script that will search for the required files in the .swf file and update the current .swf. This script will be suitable for almost any version of the .swf file that will be released in the future, as long as the developers do not change its structure or names. For now, I don’t see the point in making mods and packing them into .swf files since they may become outdated with the next patch and conflict with the latest version. Consequently, the player who downloaded it may experience crashes or bugs. In other words, maintaining animations for a mod is difficult when using packaging in .swf in its current form

If I find the time, I will take someone else's mod and write a script to update the current latest .swf file with the possibility to revert it back (if necessary, to install another mod that will replace the current animation), and also if OMM will support such a feature. It would be great if someone beats me to it! =)

Notes: Later, subsequent updates were released that added new animations to new maps individually, but I decided not to mention them further

6.07: Sound Engine Updated

Date: 25 May, 2022
Related M: 2873229728660391410
Previous M: 3598513434597029378

What was done in the patch:
  • A new audio engine was implemented using Audiokinetic Wwise software. As a result, mp3 files were converted to wem. The old mp3 folder has been deleted, and sound files that were previously named, for example, Level06Intro.mp3 and Level06Loop.mp3, have been placed in a .bnk archive
What the modder needs to do:
  • If your mod contained mp3 music, you now need to convert them to wem, and then archive them in bnk

Notes: A simple method is in the research process. As soon as it becomes clear how to simplify and automate this, I will inform you

6.01: Player & Item Shadows Added

Date: 22 November, 2021
Related M: 8687579504357149849
Previous M: 1134530499047246435

What was done in the patch:
  • Shadows were added to characters and all falling objects, which are displayed on all maps
PATCH 6.00
PATCH 6.01

Notes: This change has affected many 2D mods. The thing is, before, modders positioned the character's standing area almost flush with the 2D map connection (where the platform is not in isometric view), which looked logical. However, the shadows now extend beyond the map boundaries and visually appear incorrect

What the modder needs to do:
  • If you have a mod with an isometric platform and shadows extend beyond the bounds, it is better to see how you can avoid this and fix the texture (all default textures should allow this)
What the modder doesn't have to do:
  • If you have a pixelated 2D map, you do not need to adjust the position of the 2D platform relative to the shadows. Many maps will not allow you to fully resolve this issue, and may turn your mod into a more monstrous and confusing appearance. However, if you wish, you can make adjustments and submit it for review by your test audience

5.12: New Temple Climb Map from Fortress of the Lions

Date: 22 Septermber, 2021
Related M: 3153874326353405704
Previous M: 8807041000004777574

What was done in the patch:
  • New textures were added for Fortress of the Lions, as this map is reused for the mod Temple Climb
A new map, Siege of Lions, was added to the Temple Climb game mode, which reuses the Background from Fortress of the Lions and also features its own textures styled after Fortress of the Lions, located in the same folder mapArts\BloodMoon

What the modder doesn't have to do:
  • Supporting additional game modes is the right thing to do. After all, if the game mode is launched with an installed mod, everything will look organic. Otherwise, if you have significantly altered the background and textures of the map, the mod will be incomplete and will appear unpolished. If you still choose not to support game modes, try to specify in the mod description which modes are not supported. And don’t forget to create the thumbnail climblions.jpg

3.58: Brawlhaven Art Updated

Date: 16 March, 2020
Related M: 1067548760201744172
Previous M: 690245560223736841

What was done in the patch:
  • A new design was made for both maps Brawlhaven and Small Brawlhaven. The method of layering the lower platform was also changed for the two different versions of the maps
PATCH 3.57
PATCH 3.58

The developers made the platforms identical on the thumbnail, however, in the game, Small Brawlhaven is much more flattened)

What the modder needs to do:
  • The old design is not compatible; it needs to be completely adapted to the new texture connections in the new design for the old mods to work. However, this is complicated by texture mismatches. If the textures for one version are adjusted for the second map, they will not align properly

Notes: To avoid this, I researched thoroughly how to integrate the old textures as seamlessly as possible for the user and came up with my own texture blending method. I shared my method in all the old Brawlhaven mods. All you need to do is select the transparent area of my textures and overlay this transparent selection onto your texture. Essentially, this will work like smart cropping

3.55: New Map Big Miami Dome

Date: January 15, 2020
Related M: 6760342132201202482
Previous M: 8340430116099293210

What was done in the patch:
  • A new map, Big Miami Dome, was added with three floating platforms, fully reusing all the previous textures from the Miami Dome map

What the modder needs to do:
  • If your mod was created before date of patch 3.55, you will be missing the thumbnail bigmiamidome.jpg, which you now need to add to your mod

3.45: Miami Dome Lattice Rebuilded

Date: 26 June, 2019
Related M: 2000559560503486440
Previous M: 6120996358020312122

What was done in the patch:
  • The resolution of the texture PlatformMiamiDome5.png has been changed, as a shadow has been added to it, which was removed from the platform PlatformMiamiDome1.png (this is quite useful for our mods)
Patch 3.45 (269x422) Patch 3.44 (162x405)
What the modder needs to do:
  • If you made a mod for Miami Dome before date of patch 3.45, you need to update the grid to ensure the texture is current; otherwise, the texture will be misaligned significantly

3.23: Grumpy Temple Art Updated

Date: 13 June, 2018
Related M: 212467778165003078
Previous M: 6695827364442443608

What was done in the patch:
  • A new design was made for both maps Grumpy Temple and Small Grumpy Temple
PATCH 3.22
PATCH 3.23

What the modder needs to do:
  • The old design is not compatible; it needs to be completely adapted to the new texture connections in the new design for the old mods to work

3.17: New Map Small Enigma

Date: 21 March, 2018
Related M: 1617899566965079767
Previous M: 1617899566965079767

What was done in the patch:
  • A new Small Enigma map was added, fully reusing all the previous textures from The Enigma map

What the modder needs to do:
  • If you made a mod for the map before date of patch 3.17, you should add the thumbnail SteamSmall.jpg. There are no other changes to the map

3.13: Miami Dome Background Resized

Date: 14 February, 2018
Related M: 327317844360683498
Previous M: 1072731148216255575

What was done in the patch:
  • In version 3.11, the background BG_MiamiDome.jpg had the incorrect resolution of 1535x863, so in 3.13, the resolution for the Miami Dome map was changed from 1535x863 to 2048x1151
What the modder needs to do:
  • If you created a map mod with this resolution before date of patch 3.13, you need to update it to the current resolution of 2048x1151

3.12: Miami Dome Platform Rebuilded

Date: 7 Februrary, 2018
Related M: 1072731148216255575
Previous M: 6993619049766854547

What was done in the patch:
  • The platform Platform_MiamiDome1.png was visually changed by reducing the areas in isometric view from all sides while not altering the texture resolution. The Box Collider was adjusted so that players could grab the platform from slightly further away on the sides
PATCH 3.11
PATCH 3.12

Notes: If you take the old texture Platform_MiamiDome1.png from version 3.11 (assuming someone made mods for it) and paste it into version 3.12 or any later version, some discrepancies will occur

At the top, this change has little effect, and characters remain where they were. However, on the sides, the old texture Platform_MiamiDome1.png in the new version 3.12 or later looks odd because the character grabs the farthest edge of the platform when there was plenty of room for them on the side

What the modder doesn't have to do:
  • In the ideal scenario, you should re-adapt your mod for the new version, applying all filters and other changes again so that the mod is adapted to the Platform_MiamiDome1.png texture version for 3.12. But if you leave it as is, the mod will simply not be perfect but will not have critical bugs

3.09: Twilight Grove Textures Corrected

Date: 17 January, 2018
Related M: 2254204955684017465
Previous M: 7555143419193241024

What was done in the patch:
  • Artifacts were removed from the textures Enviro_Roots_left.png and Enviro_Roots_right.png. The visual changes are only noticeable on the Big Twilight Grove map, under the platform
PATCH 3.09
PATCH 3.09

What the modder doesn't have to do:
  • You don't have to do anything; the artifacts are barely noticeable and only visible on Big Twilight Grove. However, if you decide to use large textures from the 3.07 patch, it’s advisable to manually update them with patches from 3.09

3.08: Decreased Resolution For All Maps

Date: 10 January, 2018
Related M: 7555143419193241024
Previous M: 6480344134442184248

What was done in the patch:
  • An erroneously uploaded PNG background without skulls for Shipwreck Falls (for the -noskulls parameter) was converted to JPG format
  • (Undocumented) The resolution of PNG textures for all maps was reduced (for optimization)
Patch 3.08
Patch 3.07
What the modder needs to do:
  • If you had a mod that supported the background BG_Lagoon_NoSkulls.png, you will need to convert it to JPG
What the modder doesn't have to do:
  • It is not necessary to change the resolution of old large textures to the current reduced resolutions, as higher resolutions have always worked correctly. Only the smaller resolutions could not be stretched. This means that if you created a mod with texture resolutions as specified in version 3.08 or later, this mod will not be installable on earlier versions (it is unlikely that anyone needs this)

Notes: It turns out that the map textures before version 3.08 were very high resolution, and this is important for modding, as visually such maps look better and leave room for necessary rasterization when reducing, if needed

You can download the Original High Resolution Textures for version 3.07 in the Tools section

3.03: Maps Unpacked Now

Date: 16 November, 2017
Related M: 9021174906780156893
Previous M: 920458563237791700

What was done in the patch:
  • (Undocumented) Map textures were moved from .swf files to external folders mapArts and images\thumbnails

Notes: This became a starting point for seamless map modding. There is now no need to repack .swf files after each update

What the modder needs to do:
  • If your mod is still packed in .swf, you should unpack it and check the textures for compatibility with the latest version's files

2.64: Brawlball Art Updated

Date: 8 June, 2017
Related M: 3874177579566103687
Previous M: 7118931866705568001

What was done in the patch:
  • New art was created for the Brawlball game mode. The old textures used from Thunderguard Stadium are no longer relevant
PATCH 2.63
PATCH 2.64

What the modder needs to do:
  • If you specifically created a mod for Brawlball before date of patch 2.64 (possibly alongside the textures from Thunderguard Stadium), you will need to migrate it to the new Brawlball map and support it with the visual style of your mod. And don’t forget to create a thumbnail brawlball_360.jpg for the future when there are more than one map in the game mode

2.54: New Map Lost Labyrinth & Dodgebomb Art Updated

Date: 30 March, 2017
Related M: 1852634500002925306
Previous M: 1676220663825427807

What was done in the patch:
  • The old map Big Kings Pass has been reworked into Big Lost Labyrinth. Additionally, a new map Lost Labyrinth (which was a test variant of Small Big Kings Pass) has been added. The locations of the platforms on the maps were slightly altered

  • PATCH 2.53
    PATCH 2.54

  • New art was created for the Dodgebomb game mode, based on the Lost Labyrinth map. The width of the platforms on the map was slightly changed, and pillar textures were added

  • PATCH 2.53
    PATCH 2.54

What the modder needs to do:
  • If you specifically created a mod for Dodgebomb before date of patch 2.54, it will cease to work, and you will need to update the textures. And don't forget to create a thumbnail Dodgebomb.jpg for the future when there are more than one map in the game mode
  • If you made a mod for the Big Kings Pass map, you will need to transfer the textures to Lost Labyrinth (they should ideally match)

Notes: The previous art for Dodgeball is the texture Stadium\Platform_ColorBlue.png and the background BG_Stadium.jpg

2.19: New Game Mode Beachbrawl

Date: 6 July, 2016
Related M: 1153175344177426913
Previous M: 2110026542957749613

What was done in the patch:
  • New textures were added for Shipwreck Falls, as this map is reused for the Beachbrawl mod

What the modder doesn't have to do:
  • Supporting additional game modes is the right thing to do. If the game mode is launched with an installed mod, everything will look organic. Otherwise, if you have significantly altered the background and textures of the map, the mod will be incomplete and appear low-quality. However, if you do not wish to support game modes, please try to specify in the mod description which modes are not supported. And don’t forget to create a thumbnail Beachbrawl.jpg for the future when there are more than one map in the game mode

2.17: Added New Steam Launch Parameter -noskulls

Date: 16 June, 2016
Related M: 5657620272623020369
Previous M: 1120309067547743091

What was done in the patch:
  • The new parameter -noskulls removes skulls from jumping bombs, as well as all skulls from the Shipwreck Falls map. To implement this, a new background BG_Lagoon_NoSkulls.jpg was added, along with the textures Platform_LagoonEmblem.png, Lagoon_NoSkullsRight.png, and Lagoon_NoSkullsLeft.png

Explanation: This solution was brought about following this post on Reddit, where the mother of some user, Volttexx, complained about the "evil" in the game Brawlhalla. However, it should be noted that the fixes for hiding skulls were only made for jumping bombs and the Shipwreck Falls map. For example, the bombs in Thatch's default pose, which he holds in his hands, still have skulls, as does the skull on his hat. The character Azoth, who is literally a skull, remains unchanged. New thumbnails without skulls were also not added. Subsequently released maps containing skulls are also not supported by this parameter.

What the modder doesn't have to do:
  • On one hand, it would be correct to support this parameter, but on the other hand, it is not fully functional in the game, and it's unknown how many people are using it these days, if anyone at all. This is a contentious point, but personally, I consider the -noskulls parameter deprecated. If supporting this parameter is straightforward for the mod, then it can be supported; if efforts are required, then it can be skipped. If you decide to support, please make adjustments to the background BG_Lagoon_NoSkulls.jpg and to the texture Lagoon_NoSkullsRight.png only

Notes: The texture Platform_LagoonEmblem.png is visually the same as Lagoon_NoSkullsRight.png. However, Platform_LagoonEmblem.png is not used at all. The texture Lagoon_NoSkullsLeft.png is located beneath Lagoon_NoSkullsRight.png and is not visible at all. Therefore, it can be confidently stated that only Lagoon_NoSkullsRight.png needs to be created for full support

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